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his shoulder, she helped him remove his robe. "Do the
symbols have meaning or are they merely decoration?" She
traced one bright green glyph as she set the robe aside.
"Each has an individual meaning and they can be
combined in a variety of ways to form concepts and phrases.
It's the ancient language of my mother's people."
"Do many Fahroni have mystical abilities?"
He circled one of her nipples with his fingertip. "I'm having
trouble concentrating. Can we postpone the history lesson
until after I ravish you?"
"Are you going to ravish me?"
"Most definitely." He held out his hand and conjured a
midnight blue vial, with a long spiraling stopper.
"What is that?" She'd remained where she was, several
paces from the bed.
He set the container down on the nightstand and held out
his hand. "Come here and I'll show you."
"I'm not sure I want to know." Her warm gaze moved over
his naked body.
Mystic Keepers 2: Zylott Wars (Collection)
by Aubrey Ross
Returning to her side, he took her by the hand and drew
her to the bedside. "You've already conceived so Pim Noctar
is not an option. It would be too hard on the child. My
mother's people also have a bonding ritual. It may seem
strange to you, but the result would be the same. We would
be bonded mates."
"What do we have to do?"
"I offer my body to you and you accept each offering. Then
you do the same for me. If you accept everything I offer and
offer everything in return, our spirits will unite as our bodies
join. We'll become bonded mates."
She glanced at the vial he'd conjured. "Is that what you
didn't have the other night?"
"Yes." He lifted her chin, waiting until she looked at him.
"That wasn't what you needed then, but it is part of this
ritual. Are you willing to surrender even that to me?"
"You offered me your love. I'll hold nothing back."
He kissed her brow and traced her mouth with his thumb.
"Then, bond with me."
He picked up the vial and pulled out the stopper. The spicy
scent escaped into the air. "This is potent. We must be
careful. It can heighten sensation to the point of pain."
Covering the narrow mouth of the vial, he coated his index
finger. He spread the oily substance over his lips and hers,
then set the vial aside.
"It tingles. Can I taste it?"
"Yes, but only from my lips." Looking into her eyes he
began the ritual that would unite them for all time. "I offer
you my mouth, my kiss, my words of encouragement."
Mystic Keepers 2: Zylott Wars (Collection)
by Aubrey Ross
She hesitated, her lips glistening. "Are there specific words
I should say?"
"Just say what's in your heart."
"I accept your mouth. I revel in your kiss. I crave your
words of encouragement. I offer you my lips, my kiss, the
loving stroke of my tongue."
Desire surged through him at her throaty tone and the
images her words ignited. He kissed her. Their lips slid easily,
and her tongue ventured forth and tasted the oil. He captured
her moan in his open mouth. Holding her face between his
hands he took the kiss deeper, reveling in her eager
response. Her tongue returned each stroke, curled around
and slid against his.
Breathless and dizzy, he finally eased away, handing her
the vial. "Offer me your breasts. I want to adore them with
my mouth."
Understanding, she took the oil and coated her nipples and
areolas. She returned the vial to the nightstand and raised
her arms, clasping her hands behind her head. "Touch my
breasts, enjoy my nipples. I wait for the stroke of your
He bent to her breasts and licked the sweet oil off her
sensitive flesh. Her nipples gathered, the color deepening
from pink to dusky rose. He suckled firmly, savoring the hard
peak as it rolled against his tongue.
"Touch me, my love. Know my body better than you know
your own." He guided her hand to his chest as he continued
to suckle her breasts. Her warm fingers explored his torso, his
shoulders and arms, his hips.
Mystic Keepers 2: Zylott Wars (Collection)
by Aubrey Ross
She continued to touch him, while he reached again for the
vial. He spread a thin layer over the tip of his cock, then held
the vial out to her. "Dip your finger in the oil." Her wicked
grin told him she had figured out where this was leading. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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