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feelings. Hey. I was thirteen. What the hell did I know? You scared me with all that
attention. And, she pointed a skewer at him,  I didn t like tuba music.
 See? We re getting to know a lot about each other. This was a good idea. And the
evening s not over yet. I have another surprise in store for you. He chomped down on
a piece of brownie covered in dripping chocolate.
 Another surprise? What? Cards at your place?
Jason grinned.  Maybe later. No. I have something else in mind that you liked
doing when we were in school. He speared another piece of brownie.
April Ash
He d remembered something about her from school other than the tuba connection
they d had? What was it? And had she just admitted he d scared her with all the
attention he aimed at her at school? Just like her mother had told her?
He broke through her mental ramblings.  Now be honest. Do you trust me? Ready
to go?
Trust him? Yes. Ready for him? Yes. Having a great time? Yes.
Using him? She cringed slightly as that part crept into her mind and trickles of guilt
cooled off her enthusiasm. If trust and honesty were important to him she was already
on the wrong end of that scale. She wiped her mouth on her napkin and offered a bright
smile.  Sure. Let s go, she said and noted the ache forming in her heart.
Strip Poker for Two
Chapter Five
 I haven t ice skated in years. How did you remember that? Melissa asked her
question as they skated across Mount Vernon Ice Rink.
Jason grabbed her hand.  You don t remember skating with me? Teaching me how
not to fall on my rear?
She thought back to those early teen years when she d taken skating lessons. Many
times she and her friends would skate on a weekend afternoon. Gina had dragged her
cousin along one Saturday to join them on the rink.
The cold air of the rink nipped at her face but he d made sure she d left her home
with a hat and gloves and not just her coat.  You were so afraid of falling. Gina skated
like a pro and the others all knew how to skate.
He squeezed her hand.  Yep. My talents focused on tuba playing. I was petrified
about making a fool of myself but you took pity on me. Showed me how to stand and
slide my feet. He gave her a sincere smile.  I never forgot your kindness. I think that s
the day I fell in love with you.
Melissa missed a step and almost fell. His strong arms steadied her until she righted
her footing. Those memories of teaching him to skate flooded back to her. She had
laughed with him not at him and how special, good about herself, he d made her
 Oh, Lord. And then I went and dumped you. She cuddled up closer to his body.
Jason wrapped an arm around her waist as they circled the ice in silence for a
minute.  I know a lot about you. Gina s kept me updated and I m so glad you told her
you wanted to see me when I got into town. Made this assignment something to look
forward to.
A sense of panic washed over her. Melissa kept her feet moving, not wanting to
show any uneasiness. Gina had talked to him about her? He d asked and she gave him
a constant rendition of her life?
 I m glad you re here. She said that with complete honesty.  I m afraid she didn t
tell me much about you. Good Lord, sometimes she d start in about all her cousins and
by the time we got to the middle of the alphabet, names and faces blurred before me
and I lost track of what she was saying.
 That s what happens in large Italian families. My mother s letters to me while I
was gone were page after page of family updates. I had more to read than most guys
and shared my letters. A quick grin formed on his face and then vanished.
 Want to talk about your time there? she asked.
April Ash
He inhaled deeply before replying.  I m still processing it all. Saw some things I
don t want to share with anyone but there were some happy times. Great people I
worked with. Civilians who were wonderful to us. Kids we taught how to play
Melissa decided a diversion needed to be thrown in to take his mind from dwelling
on his year away. She grabbed his hand and led him to the doorway so they could exit
the ice.  I m a little cold. This has been wonderful. The whole night has been. She
stepped onto the floor and sat on a bench.
 Yep. Fun evening. But you re right. It is cold. He sat next to her as they unlaced
their skates.  Would you like to come back to my place? You haven t seen it yet. A
spark of lust flashed in his eyes as he asked.
 Are there more surprises for me to see? she asked coyly.
 My decorating style. Early whatever-fits.
 Got any cocoa? I m still in the mood for more chocolate.
 Hmm. He rubbed his chin as he gave her question some thought. Actually I do.
Got some today when I went to the commissary during my lunch hour.
 Then what more could I ask for? Cocoa and you. Sounds like enough to keep me
warm, she teased.
 Damn right. He leaned over, gave her a quick kiss, and then whispered in her ear,
 Maybe we ll even fool around some. I m aching to touch you again, be inside you.
Getting harder by the minute.
Melissa stood up and stretched out her hand to him.  Then let s go, former Cowboy
of the Night. She gazed at his cock as it pressed against his jeans.  I m ready to help
with your problem. Got cards?
Jason groaned as he got up.  You re gonna make me play cards again?
She put her arms around his waist and tugged him closely to her. Getting on
tiptoes, she reached up to kiss him. Keeping her voice low, she drawled,  Cowboy, I m
ready to ride whatever you have. And we can make this just one hand of poker. Winner
takes all.
* * * * *
 You ve done a great job. The place looks nice. Melissa walked around his small
living quarters and made her comment.  There s just enough furniture to make it cozy. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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