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He heard a slow yet deep breath expand Nate s chest. Desperate to distract
Nate from more questions about his family, Jasper blurted, I looked at properties.
An investment?
No. Nothing extravagant enough to be considered an investment. I was
looking at houses.
Did you find anything?
Yes. I purchased a property in Shere.
A pause. That s almost a day s ride from town. Do you plan to visit often?
Jasper opened his eyes. Nate had rolled onto his side, upper body propped on a
bent elbow. The hair at his temples was slick with sweat. A hint of color still stained
his cheeks from their frantic fuck. He was so close one tiny shift of Jasper s arm
would have his fingers brushing warm, bare skin. Yet he kept his hand firmly at his
Yes, as I plan to reside there indefinitely.
Nate s brow furrowed. You aren t going to be here anymore?
No. Hell, it had been harder than he had imaged to get that word out. To
force it past his lips. It s time I retire. Past time. I ve had the means for a couple of
years now. Nate certainly did not need to know why it had taken him so long to get
to this point.
Silence hung in the air, so thick and heavy it pressed against his chest. The
furrow marring Nate s brow deepened. Caught between the desperate wish for Nate
74 Ava March
to ask him to stay and the knowledge their time together needed to end, Jasper
could do nothing but stare up at Nate.
Lips compressed in a tight line, Nate rolled over and got off the bed. Unwilling
to lie in the bed alone, Jasper pushed up and swung his legs over the side of the
mattress. He sat mutely as Nate crossed to the door to retrieve his trousers. He
should help Nate gather his clothes. At the very least, he should get up and start
tidying the room. But he was locked to the spot, his gaze locked on Nate, soaking up
the last glimpses of the man s nude body as he pulled on his clothes.
His fingertips ached with need. He should have touched Nate a few moments
ago when he had the chance. Should have seized the opportunity. Now it was gone
When are you leaving? Nate asked as he tied his cravat.
Jasper swallowed down the lump in his throat. Tomorrow.
Nate s hands stilled. Must it be tomorrow?
Why not tomorrow?
The man opened his mouth. Jasper held his breath. His heart slammed
against his ribs.
Please, ask me to stay.
Nate snapped his jaw shut. Lips pursed, he turned his back to Jasper to grab
his coat from the floor. You re leaving me as well. The low, barely audible words
were almost lost in the rustle of wool as Nate slipped his arms into the sleeves.
Edmonton will return from his holiday soon enough.
Nate went still. Then the strong muscles in his back bunched and flexed
beneath the navy wool as he finished buttoning his coat. Giving the end a tug to
straighten it, he turned to face Jasper.
He was dressed, ready to leave him.
With great effort, Jasper pushed from the bed and got to his feet. He was
suddenly acutely aware of the fact he had not dressed. Why hadn t he thought to
His Client 75
don his trousers? Now the last image Nate would have of him would be of him
naked, without a stitch of clothing to cover his limp prick and with dried seed
splattered across his belly. An image that surely screamed well-used whore.
He wanted to shake his head at himself in disgust. But what did it matter
now? The end had arrived.
I shall miss you. More than you shall ever know.
Nate s footsteps echoed in the room, slow and measured, as he breached the
distance between them. Stopping before Jasper, he held his gaze, that furrow heavy
on his brow. As I you.
Jasper s breath stuttered in his chest. One last kiss. His soul screamed for it.
Begged for it. But Nate did not even lean toward him.
Instead, he contented himself with taking the man s hand, hanging limp at his
side, and giving it a squeeze. Briefly closing his eyes, he savored the feel of Nate s
hand in his. The calluses on his palm. The strong grip. The way Nate s hand fit
perfectly in his.
Firm lips pressed against his. Before he was aware of it, he was opening for
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