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Temple of Science will herald it to the world in every marketplace and fair. Tell the public that
now, even as of old, the genuine and sincere observer of life and its underlying phenomena, the
intelligent co-worker with nature, may, by becoming an expert in her mysteries thereby become a
"wise" man, in the terrestrial sense of the word, but that never will a materialist wrench from
nature any secret on a higher plane -- and you will be laughed to scorn. Add, that no "wisdom
from above" descends on any one save on the sine qua non condition of leaving at the threshold
of the Occult every atom of selfishness, or desire for personal ends and benefit -- and you will be
speedily declared by your audience a candidate for the lunatic asylum. Nevertheless, this is an
old, very old truism. Nature gives up her innermost secrets and imparts true wisdom only to him,
who seeks truth for its own sake, and who craves for knowledge in order to confer benefits on
others, not on his own unimportant personality. And, as it is precisely to this personal benefit
that nearly every candidate for adept-ship and magic looks, and that few are they, who consent to
learn at such a heavy price and so small a benefit for themselves in prospect -- the really wise
Occultists become with every century fewer and rarer. How many are there, indeed, who would
not prefer the will-o'-the-wisp of even passing fame to the steady and ever-growing light of
eternal, divine knowledge, if the latter has to remain, for all but oneself -- a light under the
The same is the case in the world of materialistic science, where we see a great paucity of really
learned men and a host of skin-deep scientists, who yet demand each and all to be regarded as
Archimedes and Newtons. As above so below. Scholars who pursue knowledge for the sake of
truth and fact, and give these out, however unpalatable, and not for the dubious glory of
enforcing on the world their respective personal hobbies -- may be counted on the fingers of one
hand: while legion is the name of the pretenders. In our day, reputations for learning seem to be
built by suggestion on the hypnotic principle, rather than by real merit. The masses cower before
him who imposes himself upon them: hence such a galaxy of men regarded as eminent in
science, arts and literature; and if they are so easily accepted, it is precisely because of the
gigantic self-opinionated and self-assertion of, at any rate, the majority of them. Once thoroughly
analyzed, however, how many of such would remain who truly deserve the appellation of "wise"
even in terrestrial wisdom? How many, we ask, of the so-called "authorities" and "leaders of
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men" would prove much better than those of whom it was said -- by one "wise" indeed -- "they
be blind leaders of the blind"? That the teachings of neither our modern teachers nor preachers
are "wisdom from above" is fully demonstrated. It is proved not by any personal incorrectness in
their statements or mistakes in life, for "to err is but human," but by incontrovertible facts.
Wisdom and Truth are synonymous terms, and that which is false or well-known representative
of the Church of England, that the Sermon of the Mount would, in its practical application, mean
utter ruin for his country less than three weeks; and if it is no less true, as asserted by a literary
critic of science, that "the knell of Charles Darwinism is rung in Mr. A. R. Wallace's present
book," (1) an event already predicted by Quatrefages -- then we are left to choose between two
courses. We have either to take both Theology and Science on blind faith and trust; or, to
proclaim both untrue and untrustworthy. There is however, a third course open: to pretend that
we believe in both at the same time, and say nothing, as many do; but this would be sinning
against Theosophy and pandering to the prejudices of Society -- and that we refuse to do. More
than this: we declare openly, quand meme, that not one of the two, neither Theologist nor
Scientist, has the right in the face of this to claim, the one that he preaches that which is divine
inspiration, and the other -- exact science; since the former enforces that, which is on his own
recognition, pernicious to men and states -- i.e. the ethics of Christ; and the other (in the person
of the eminent naturalist, Mr. A. R. Wallace, as shown by Mr. Samuel Butler) teaches Darwinian
evolution, in which he believes no longer; a scheme, moreover, which has never existed in
nature, if the opponents of Darwinism are correct.
Nevertheless, if anyone would presume to call "unwise" or "false" the world-chosen authorities,
or declare their respective policies dishonest, he would find himself promptly reduced to silence.
To doubt the exalted wisdom of the religion of the late Cardinal Newman, of the Church of
England, or again of our great modern scientists, is to sin against the Holy Ghost and Culture. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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