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backseat, wondering for a split second if it would work for a quick tussle. But when he took Imogen
to bed, which he was going to, sooner or later, he didn t want it to be quick and awkward, with a
gearshift up his ass. Awkward was why he had pulled the plug the night before.
 We didn t because we started thinking too much. Worrying. He squeezed her knee.  And you re
right. I m sorry, it was stupid to think that you had somehow planned to target me based on that book.
That sounded insulting and I didn t mean it to. It s just that I got to thinking that maybe you weren t
really interested in me.
She could be honest, so could he. Even if admitting his momentary insecurity made his skin crawl
and a sweat break out down his back.
 Of course I didn t target you. Especially considering the way your profile reads. Imogen flashed
him the first smile he d seen from her all night.
He would have enjoyed it except he got stuck on her words.  My profile? What profile?
 Didn t you read Chapter Two? There are profiles of all the single drivers. Yours says you were
voted least likely to commit by other drivers wives.
 Excuse me? Ty was both shocked and offended.  That s in a book?
 It is. It also mentioned your astrological sign is Taurus, giving you a propensity for stubbornness.
Imogen looked amused.
Ty was not.
 What the hell? I can t believe they re using that  what s your sign? crap to put character flaws on
me. In print. God, that just makes me look like an asshole. And I can so commit. He yanked the keys
out of the ignition more aggressively than was necessary.  I was engaged once. I would have married
her. She was the one who dumped me.
Imogen s grin disappeared.  Oh, I m sorry. What happened?
Ty rubbed his chin, instantly sorry he d brought the subject up.  I was only twenty years old and
scraping along doing local races and I was in love with her. She cared about me, I guess, initially, but
then she went off to college and reassessed her options. She decided she wanted someone with a little
more earning potential. Someone smarter than me.
 Intelligence isn t equal to the credentials you can hang on a wall. There are all kinds of
intelligence, and clearly she was lacking in some if she missed your good qualities.
 Like that I m stubborn? Ty said stubbornly, not wanting to accept Imogen s sympathy.
 No, like your honesty, your tenacity, your quick wit. Your loyalty, your focus.
Ty found himself stupidly touched by Imogen s assessment of his character. But hearing he was
profiled as a commitment-phobe and bringing up his ex-fiancée had him feeling tight in the chest and
edgy. He didn t want to get emotional, lose control of the situation. So he tamped that all down and
hid his feelings, giving her a slow grin.
 You see all those things in me yet you still didn t target me? Damn, I m offended.
 I can t target you, because I am trying to objectively follow the rules of the dating manual to see
what level of success I achieve with them. Therefore, I need to stay uninvolved and unbiased in
regard to the men I flirt with, and I cannot achieve that with you.
Ty didn t think he could be more shocked by anything Imogen said, but she always managed to find
a way to do just that.  Wait a goddamn minute. So you are planning to use the dating rules to hook a
man? Just not me?
 No, of course not. I don t actually want to catch a man. I just want to see if the initial chapters
regarding preparation, meeting, and flirtation have any level of success as part of my research for my
thesis. I only intend to flirt a little with some of the drivers and see what reaction I get.
Ty was feeling his blood pressure rise with each ridiculous word she spoke.  I can tell you exactly
what s going to happen! You re going to have drivers crawling all over you, hoping to get a piece of
your classy ass.
She frowned.  Don t be ridiculous.
 Me? I m being ridiculous? You re the one flirting for your thesis. What the hell kind of degree is [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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