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Although he didn t recognize the transformed shifters before him, that didn t mean
they were new. Korl kept several locations to conduct his tests. Blake might have helped
convert a lot of them, but he hadn t been at the lab twenty-four hours a day and quite a
few mutants had been created without his help.
 We can wait, the leader said.  If he lets us squat near his property, we can wait
until he s ready. We don t want the others to kill us because we are there without
 Why did you break into Blake s apartment and destroy his stuff? Leif asked.
The mutant exchanged looks before returning their attention to Blake.  We
didn t break into your apartment. We scared the others away. They were looking for
something. I m sorry we came too late to stop them. They ran when they saw us.
They didn t smell of deception. Blake scanned the faces of the four mutants. Fear
crossed their face, and anxiety poured off them as if they were waiting to be kicked.
 How many mutants were wandering around your place anyway? Leif glared
at Blake as if he were personally responsible for the mutant invasion.
 I don t know. He turned to address the mutants.  We re supposed to talk to
Anthony tomorrow. If you like, we can talk to him about your situation then.
 Thank you. The lead mutant stared at Blake for a long moment.  We
appreciate any help you can offer.
 What s your name? Blake asked.
Blake tossed him his apartment keys.  It s not much, but there s not a lot of
damage you can do now. He gave the mutant a wry smile.  The vampires are going to
be by to clean it soon so you might want to wait until they re done before moving in.
The mutant looked at the keys in his hands.  You trust me enough to give me
your keys?
 It s already been trashed. The refrigerator should be stocked, though. For some
reason, they left that alone. Apparently, the mutants who invaded his home hadn t
heard about people hiding things in the freezer.
 Where have you guys been staying? Leif asked.
 At an abandoned building off Forty-Second Street. Devis shrugged, making no
excuses for the way they lived.
Blake scowled. That was a rough part of town; even the junkies avoided it.
 I ll be gone for a few days at least. Stay there so we know where to find you
once we talk to Anthony.
 Okay. The mutants hovered for a moment, then began to walk away.
 I ll call you guys on my apartment phone after I talk to Anthony.
Devis smiled.  Great. We ll see you.
Before he could say anything else, the mutants ran off. Their feet made
surprisingly little noise.
There were too many of them for Blake s small one-bedroom, but hopefully, they
wouldn t be there for long. Compared to where they d been sleeping, Blake s place was
a luxury condo.
Chapter Three
The drive over to Leif s place was made in silence. With the rush of sexual
energy gone, Leif didn t know if they had anything left. Concerns about the mutants
spun around Leif s mind. Where were they all coming from? At first, he d thought there
were only a handful of them, but as they became more comfortable coming forward,
there were obviously far more than he d originally thought. Would they destroy the
Moon Pack, or were there more factions of them than anyone suspected?
He itched with the need to investigate, but he d learn nothing new tonight.
Instead, he had a delicious wolf shifter to examine& in detail.
Leif pulled into a parking spot beneath his building. He turned off the car and sat
there for a moment before turning to Blake. The wolf shifter smiled, and Leif
abandoned all his anxieties. He couldn t do anything more tonight but enjoy Blake. For
the past few years, Leif had become used to being alone, but secretly, in the back of his
mind, he d longed for a partner.
Blake s intense expression had Leif pausing before reaching out to the wolf
shifter.  Everything okay?
 Yeah. Blake gave him another smile before looking out the window and
examining the parking garage. After their last ambush, Leif couldn t blame Blake for
being cautious of their surroundings.
Leif put a hand to Blake s chin, forcing him to face him.  Hey, we don t have to
do anything, you know. I have a couch that you can sleep on if you d like. No
pressure. Except his balls might turn blue and fall off. He barely breathed while he
waited for Blake s reply.
 I know we don t have to do anything, but I d really like to.
The words barely left Blake s lips before Leif moved in. He grabbed Blake s shirt,
yanking him closer. Lust rushed through him, louder than a lion s roar. One kiss [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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