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She nodded, picking at her burger. He decided to lighten things up.  So, let s get back to the really
juicy, good stuff. My love life.
Kira laughed, her freckled nose crinkling.  You are so demented.
 No, I m a highly focused individual.
She made a playful, wolfish snarl.  Alpha. You are so, so totally Alpha, it s not even funny. I hope
Hayden s into that.
This really made him laugh.  Good grief, do you remember Hayden? How flipping Alpha he is? I m
downright docile and Beta compared to him. He smiled, thinking of how many times he and Hayden had
circled each other over one issue or another. Right now, things between them sure felt hopeless, but
maybe just maybe it was simply more of their Alpha natures battling for dominance.
Kira s smile slipped away and she became serious again.  I hate to ask this, Josh, but what if Hayden
won t forgive you? For all that you kept from him& well, all of it?
Josh wiped his hands definitively.  I cannot allow myself to consider the possibility. Josh rolled his
desk chair back and checked his watch.  I m picking him up in an hour.
 Does he know you re coming over?
He gave his sister a playful wink.  Nope, or he probably wouldn t be there.
 Joshua. I m not so sure this non-plan of yours is the best one you ve ever come up with.
 No, it really is. And heading over to Hayden s place now is perfect for phase one.
She didn t appear totally convinced and gave him a skeptical half-smile.  I see.
36 www.samhainpublishing.com
Bound by Nature
 For real! In fact, my strategy s going to tear down all the cynicism he s hiding behind. He smiled,
thinking of what the situation required.  You see, sis, I m going to woo him. Day by day, I m going to win
his heart back.
She cleared her throat.  Sweetie, uh, not to be a killjoy, but you know, she said,  Hayden may not
even open the front door when he sees it s you.
 He will.
 And you know this how?
 I just do. Josh leaned down and kissed Kira on the cheek, then glanced in the small mirror he kept
on his office wall. With a quick sweep of his hands, he made sure his hair was neat and smoothed out his
uniform. When he caught Kira s gaze, she seemed to be waiting for a better explanation.
With a sigh, he leaned against the edge of his desk.  Because one night, a long time ago, Hayden
Garrett fell in love with me. He gave me his heart& his very soul. And I gave him all of myself, too. He just
doesn t remember it. Not yet.
 Good luck! His sister called as he bounded out the door, hardly able to contain the thrill he felt
about seeing Hayden.
Oh, God, let it work, Josh prayed, practically vaulting down the office stairs and to the first floor.
Hayden lay in the middle of his king-size bed, staring at the ceiling. The same thing he d been doing
for hours, and none of his thoughts made any more sense than they had while he d tossed and turned for
most of the night. It didn t help that his sleep cycle was twisted like a misshapen pretzel. He would be
working again tonight, like he always did, grooming the ski slopes over at the resort. Work all night, sleep
all day. Until he d seen Joshua again, the schedule had suited his dark moods perfectly.
Just scraping by, barely existing. Perfect self-imposed punishment for crimes he supposedly
committed, yet had no memory of. And even though he suspected he hadn t been driving the night of the
car accident, he still deserved to burn in hell for the huge way he d fucked up all the expectations his folks
had pinned on him, their only child.
He wasn t sure if rage or confusion was causing his immediate turmoil. After the stunt Josh had
pulled in the parking lot of the bar last night, Hayden had wanted to slam him against his fucking police
cruiser. The man had the balls to follow him out to the car and swipe his keys. As if that wasn t bad
enough he wasn t honestly going to drive, for God s sake. He d planned to call a taxi, but then Josh had
forced him into the back of the cruiser like he was some common criminal.
They d shouted and postured there in the lot, and Hayden had definitely been drunk. Drunk enough
that he d come within an inch of fulfilling that vision of slamming Josh violently up against the car. Only
that image had dissolved too quickly, replaced by a much stronger desire to shove the cop against the
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Cooper Davis
vehicle and kiss him senseless. To push the man down onto the hood and mount him, public viewing be
He hadn t exactly been thinking on his feet, had he? It had been embarrassingly easy for Joshua to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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