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add sugar, wine, and pomegranate juice after 5 minutes; add rice flour after 11 minutes, cook,
stirring, another minute, remove from heat and keep stirring another half minute. Garnish with
pomegranate seeds.
Salmon roste in Sauce
Two Fifteenth Century p. 102
Take a Salmond, and cut him rounde, chyne and all, and rost the peces on a gredire; And take wyne, and
pouder of Canell, and drawe it orgh a streynour; And take smale myced oynons, and caste ere-to, and lete
hem boyle; And en take vynegre, or vergeous, and pouder ginger, and cast there-to; and en ley the samon in
a dissh, and cast e sirip eron al hote, & serue it forth.
1 3/4 lb salmon 3/4 t cinnamon 1/4 c red wine vinegar
3/4 c white wine 1 medium onion, 6 oz 1/4 t ginger
Chop onion; put onion, wine, and cinnamon in small pot, cook on medium about 20 minutes.
Add ginger and vinegar. Simmer. Meanwhile, take salmon steaks, cut into serving sized pieces,
place on ungreased baking pan or cookie sheet. Broil for 10 minutes until lightly browned. Turn
salmon, making certain pieces are separated, cook another 4 minutes or until done. Serve
immediately with sauce over it.
Page 72
A Potage with Turnips
Platina pp. 117-118 (book 7)
Turnips that have been well washed and cut up into nice bits, you cook down in some rich juice. When they
have cooked and been mashed, put them near the fire again, in more rich juice, even better than before, if
possible; and put in little pieces of salt pork, pepper and saffron. When it has boiled once, then take it and
serve it to your guests.
6 turnips = 3 lb 6 oz salt pork
rich juice: 1 10 1/2 oz can conc. beef broth + 6 c water 1/16-1/8 t pepper
more rich juice: 1 can beef broth + 1 1/2 c water 24 threads saffron
Wash turnips and cut off ends and slice 1/4"-1/2" thick. Heat first broth to a boil, then add
turnips. Simmer 20 minutes, remove turnips and get rid of broth. Cut salt pork into small pieces,
cutting off rind, and fry it until lightly browned, about 8 minutes. Drain. Mash turnips with a
potato masher, return to pot with second broth, salt pork, pepper and saffron; bring to a boil, boil
briefly and remove from heat. Produces about 9 c of pottage.
Note: a recipe for potage of peas earlier in the same chapter says to fry morsels of salt flesh, so
we do so with the salt pork here.
Rapes in Potage [or Carrots or Parsnips]
Curye on Inglysch p. 99 (Forme of Cury no. 7)
Take rapus and make hem clene, and waissh hem clene; quarter hem; perboile hem, take hem vp. Cast hem in a
gode broth and see hem; mynce oynouns and cast erto safroun and salt, and messe it forth with powdour
douce. In the self wise make of pastunakes and skyrwittes.
Note: rapes are turnips; pasternakes are either parsnips or carrots; skirrets are, according to the
OED,  a species of water parsnip, formerly much cultivated in Europe for its esculent tubers.
We have never found them available in the market.
1 lb turnips, carrots, or parsnips 6 threads saffron powder douce:2 t sugar
2 c chicken broth (canned, diluted) 3/4 t salt 3/8 t cinnamon
1/2 lb onions 3/8 t ginger
Wash, peel, and quarter turnips (or cut into eighths if they are large), cover with boiling water
and parboil for 15 minutes. If you are using carrots or parsnips, clean them and cut them up into
large bite-sized pieces and parboil 10 minutes. Mince onions. Drain turnips, carrots, or parsnips,
and put them with onions and chicken broth in a pot and bring to a boil. Crush saffron into about
1 t of the broth and add seasonings to potage. Cook another 15-20 minutes, until turnips or
carrots are soft to a fork and some of the liquid is boiled down.
Page 73
Potage from Meat
Platina p. 116 (book 7) (GOOD)
Take lean meat and let it boil, then cut it up finely and cook it again for half an hour in rich juice, having first
added bread crumbs. Add a little pepper and saffron.
When it has cooled a little, add beaten eggs, grated cheese, parsley, marjoram, finely chopped mint with a little
verjuice. Blend them all together in a pot, stirring them slowly with a spoon so that they do not form a ball.
The same may be done with livers and lungs.
2 1/3 lb stewbeef 3/4 t pepper 3/4 t dried or 1 t fresh marjoram
4 c water 8 threads saffron 1 1/2 T chopped fresh mint
 Rich juice : 31 oz (3 cans) 5 eggs verjuice: 3 T wine vinegar
concentrated beef broth 1 1/2 c grated cheese (~ 7 oz) 1 t salt (to taste)
1 1/2 c dry bread crumbs 3/8 c chopped parsley
Bring meat and water to a boil and cook 10 minutes; take meat out and cut up small; put back in
water with broth, bread crumbs, pepper, and saffron. Simmer 1/2 hour over low flame, being
careful that it does not stick. Mix in remaining ingredients; cook, stirring frequently, for about 5
minutes. This makes about 10 cups.
This is a rather meat-rich version; it also works with as little as half this much meat.
The Soup Called Menjoire
Taillevent p. 112
First you need the necessary meat Peachicks, pheasants or partridges and if you can't get those, plovers, cranes
or larks or other small birds; and roast the poultry on a spit and when it is almost cooked, especially for large
birds like peachicks, pheasants or partridges, cut them into pieces and fry them in lard in an iron pan and then
put them in the soup pot. And to make the soup you need beef stock from a leg of beef, and white bread toasted
on a grill, and put the bread to soak and skim the broth and strain through a sieve and then you need
cinnamon, ginger, a little cloves, long pepper and grains of paradise and hippocras according to the amount of
soup you want to make, and mix the spices and the hippocras together and put in the pot with the poultry and
the broth and boil everything together and add a very little vinegar, taking care that it just simmers and add
sugar to taste and serve over the toasted crackers with white anise or red or pomegranate powder.
3 leg quarters chicken 1/8 t ginger 1/2 c hippocras (see p. 131)
2 cans beef stock 3 whole cloves 1 T vinegar
4 slices white bread 1/4 t coarsely ground peppercorns 1 T sugar
1/4 t cinnamon 1/4 t coarsely ground grains of paradise 1/4 t ground aniseed
Bake chicken 45 minutes at 350°. You may wish to debone it after it has cooled enough to
handle before frying it. Toast is soaked until soft, then beaten into the soup. Simmer soup about
45 minutes. Serve over toasted crackers.
Page 74
Saffron Broth
Platina p. 103 (book 6)
Put thirty egg yolks, verjuice, the juice of veal or capon, saffron, a little cinnamon together into a bowl and
blend. Pass them through a strainer into a pot. Cook it down slowly and stir it continuously with a spoon until
it begins to thicken. For then it is taken from the hearth and served to ten guests. While in the dishes, sprinkle
with spices.
7 egg yolks 1/8 t loose saffron  spices : 1/4 t black pepper
2 T verjuice (or 1 T vinegar+1 T water) 1/2 t cinnamon 1/8 t nutmeg
21 oz (2 cans) chicken broth
Platina p. 104 (book 6)
Take seven eggs, half a pound of grated cheese, and ground bread all blended together. Put this into the pot
where the saffron broth is made, when it begins to boil. When you have stirred it two or three times with a
spoon, compose your dishes, for it is quickly done.
Saffron broth (see above: one recipe) 3 cups ground mozzarella cheese
4 eggs 3 slices ground bread
Variants on Platina Soups
Platina p. 104 (book 6)
Green Broth: Take all that was contained in the first broth [Saffron Broth] except for the saffron and to these [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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