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 Kids? A handful more clicks.  He s single. Had a human mate who died under suspicious
circumstances during childbirth. The child, a girl, passed as well. Patrick challenged his father not
long after. He took over and surrounded himself with his brothers. Why? What do you see?
Reid moved back to the office doorway and leaned against the frame. He spied the women, his
men stationed around the room guarding them. Some kept their gazes trained on the windows and the
land beyond while others zeroed in on the females. He wasn t worried exactly but he wouldn t
relax until Ezekiel was gone. He liked killing just as much as the next shifter, sometimes a little too
much. No one knew he had a purpose, a reason behind each and every slice and drop of blood he
To them, he was a monster.
In truth, they had no idea.
 I m seeing Evelyn Archer, near thirty. Right next to her is Simone Archer, just shy of twelve
based on some of the documents I dug up in the office. He scanned the room, gaze falling on each
guard one by one and making sure they were diligent.  I m also seeing five women who are damn
happy those three are gone. He lowered his voice and turned his head away from the group, fighting
to be as quiet as possible.  More than one is pregnant, Terrence, and I have my own guesses about the
Yeah, shit.
 What did the caller say? What else am I looking at here?
 Why don t you ask one of 
 I m not asking any of them anything yet. I m taking control. I cleaned house and I m making this
place safe. I ll talk to them after I get things stable and Ezekiel dead.
 What about Clary? I could send her up there.
Nervous tension consumed his body as he thought about his therapist. He listened to her orders,
not much choice since her opinion mattered to Terrence. But even beyond that, she was one scary
And shit, if she showed, she d probably take something else away for killing the Archers. Like
sex. If she grounded him from sex after he d found Evie&
 No, I have it. Maybe later. After he had a few others on his side who could speak up for him.
 We don t need to drag her into the middle of God s asshole.
Yes, he sounded like a pussy. Yes, he had reason.  Nuff said.
 You sure? The callers have said&  All business but sounding so casual, telling Reid that
Terrence didn t believe him. With good reason, but he wouldn t cop to that.
Well, calm was probably what the bear went for. But Reid heard the slight tremor that couldn t be
attributed to cell reception. The small hitch in his breath and a hint of his heartbeat picking up its
pace. Just because no one else could catch those sounds didn t mean they couldn t be heard.
It meant that others didn t have the training. They hadn t been raised in a house where survival
hinged on listening and learning the way a male moved when he was happy or the speed at which he
could lunge when he was furious.
 Not at this time.
Not ever if the woman continued to take shit away from him.
 Fine, anything else?
Reid s gaze traveled through the main area of the house. Terrence sent him six of his best, but that
wasn t enough to hold the clan and hunt for Ezekiel at the same time.  Another six bears. Wolves in a
pinch. The clan has about sixty bears. I d like to be able to out fight them if I need to.
 Something else going on I need to know about?
 Nothing major. I gotta do some hunting, and I want everyone,  particularly Evie  protected
while I m gone.
 There aren t any local bears I trust. Staring at the women, looking at their wounded gazes and
trembling bodies, he knew outside help was the only choice.  I don t know if the abuse was limited to
the inner-circle. I won t let my clan be eaten up from inside while I m distracted. Until I get shit
cleaned up, I need your males. If you have to, grab some from my old pack. There are still a few crazy
fuckers who wouldn t mind getting bloody.
 Compared to you, they re sane.
Reid grunted.  True enough.
 All right, anything else you need?
Evie lifted her head, attention flitting around the room until her gaze landed on him.  Nope, I got
everything else right here.
Chapter Seven
Evelyn didn t have to see Reid to know where he stood or when he moved through the house
without saying a word. She sensed his retreat to Patrick s office and then heard the heavy thud of his
boots as he reappeared and drew closer to the small cluster of women. And when the females went
quiet, not even a whisper escaping their lips, she knew he was close.
A quick glance over her shoulder revealed she was right. He stood at her back, over six feet of
heavy muscle and foreboding fewer than eight feet from them. He was frightening yet calming to
Evelyn, her bear wary but interested in the massive male. She d seen so much in the last weeks,
witnessed so much violence, the mere thoughts had bile rising in her throat.
Yet knowing witnessing Reid s destruction didn t sicken her and she didn t know why.
Or rather, she did, she just didn t want to accept the truth. Was it a truth, though? His kiss rocked
her to her core and her bear craved him like a fresh steak. That could be appreciation, a thankfulness
that came from being saved. Was it more? Was it less?
Did she care? Did she care that she clung to him out of obligation and appreciation? That she
wasn t sure she could even breathe with him out of sight. She d been fine fine when he d gone
hunting, but his touch, that kiss, changed something. It twisted and turned and now
 Evelyn. There was no question there. No rise in his voice that came with asking for someone s
attention. It was flat. As if he expected her attention as his due. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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