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I mean."
She pushed against his chest in a vain attempt to break his hold.
"No, I don't. And you are being presumptuous."
"Yes, you do," he countered. "And perhaps I am."
"You " She wrinkled her nose, having lost the thread of the conversation.
He chuckled at her expression. "Forget it. Listen, I'm having an end-of-class,
Indian summer pool party at my house on Saturday. Here's the address." He tore
off a scrap of the paper Stan had given him, scribbling quickly on it. "You're
invited to come two o'clock. But no interview." He tapped her nose to emphasize
the point. "Should I expect you?"
She looked down at the scrap of paper in her hand. She had heard vague stories
about his house, something about it being very weird and very private. He was
giving her the opportunity to view it. Perhaps she could change his mind about
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the interview, and if not, she could always write about his house. And who knew
who else might be there at the party suitable for an interview?
Besides, she wanted to see him again. He was too fascinating not to want to see
again. Of course she would come.
"I'll be there. Thank you Tyber; I look forward to it, but I'm not promising
that I won't try to change your mind."
"Why would you want to change a perfectly good set of beliefs, Zanita?" His dry
tone mocked her.
"On the interview only," she clarified.
"Whatever you think. Goodnight, Curls; see you Saturday."
Zanita never suspected that she had just been masterfully lured into playing the
shell game.
Chapter Three
« ^ »
The sign on the high stone wall read, "My Father's Mansion."
Zanita stopped her car before the heavy wooden gate. Looks like something out of
the Middle Ages, she thought. The high wall and copious trees and bushes beyond
obscured whatever form My Father's Mansion took.
So how did one gain entrance through these imposing walls?
Spotting a grilled intercom at a level with the driver's side window, she
reached over, pressing the red button.
It was obvious by the security measures she had already witnessed that no one
could enter Tyber's lair unless he wanted them to. Since he conducted all of his
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research behind these stone walls, she supposed it was a wise precaution,
although she suspected that he was the type of man who guarded his privacy as
carefully as his work.
The sudden loud squawk of the intercom made her jump in her seat.
"Blast and damnation!" a strange raspy voice boomed. "Who be ye? Friend or foe?"
Zanita stared dumbfounded at the box. Who on earth was that?
"Speak up, I say, or I'll blast ye where ye stand!"
Good God! Was there a weapon trained on her? Zanita tensed and peered warily at
the stone structure in search of a gun port.
"Well?" the impatient voice demanded.
"It it's Zanita Zanita Masterson. Dr. Evans invited me to the party. I'm from
the class?" This last part ended in a tone which conveyed her doubt not only of
being let in, but also of her sanity in wanting such a thing.
"Come aboard then, lass."
The solid wooden doors swung slowly open.
Zanita sat in her car, hands clutching the steering wheel as she cautiously
surveyed the scene opening up in front of her.
A cobblestone drive surrounded by heavy foliage lay directly before her. She had
a momentary sense of déjà vu.
For an instant, she knew, just knew, that once she went down that road, her life
would be forever altered. It was an eerie sensation.
Do I really want to do this?
She shook herself, dispelling the strange feeling. What was she thinking? Of
course she wanted to do this. She needed this interview.
The car rolled forward to follow the road. As soon as she cleared the gate, the
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heavy doors swung shut behind her with a dull, final thud.
Zanita looked up into the face of a dragon.
The giant topiary beast stood guard by the right side of the road. It seemed to
watch her in silent scrutiny as her car inched forward. All ye who enter here
abandon reality, she mused. This definitely promised to be an interesting
The cobblestone drive twisted and turned through the woods. All she could think
of was "follow the grayish brick road, follow the grayish brick road," while
keeping a wary eye out for techno-munchkins sleeping under fallen leaves.
The woods opened up onto a glade followed by a labyrinth of mythological topiary
creatures: gnomes, winged cats, dragons of all shapes and sizes, what appeared [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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