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exuberant hubbub always made him feel alive, even if he didn t
participate. This ride was different, probably because Danny was
As per the rules, there was no drinking, drugs, or sex, but that
didn t stop the guys from talking about all three. To keep his head in
the game, Coach Miller sat at the front of the bus, his attention
focused on his clipboard. To further distance himself, he slipped
earbuds into his hair-tufted ears.
Quietly, the guys on the team had speculated about what kind of
music he liked, but Danny knew he listened to environmental sounds.
He didn t tell the other guys. He only knew because one of his jobs
was to make sure Coach s player was fully charged before each trip.
In his duffle, the one that never left his side, Danny had chargers for
various electronic devices including MP3 players, handheld gaming
systems, and electric shavers. All the guys had to focus on was
Since they would play tomorrow morning, all the guys were
dressed in jeans and team polo shirts that were hunter green with a
small team emblem on the upper right. As soon as they got on the bus,
heavy coats were tossed toward the front as the guys gravitated
toward the middle and back.
First-string players congregated in the center. What few second-
and third-string players came filled out around the edges. Most of
those guys slapped on headphones and lost themselves in music,
games, or studies. They traveled with the team, but they weren t as
much a part of the team as the core group. Most of them would never
see field time.
72 Anitra Lynn McLeod
Things were chaotic as everyone settled in, picking their seat
partner and getting drinks and snacks as they cleared the campus. But
once they hit the main highway and picked up speed, anticipation for
the coming showdown filled the first-string guys with testosterone.
 We are gonna kick ass. I can feel it. Tyler Morgan bobbed his
beautiful blond head.
Kevin Henderson backed up his assessment with a high five.
Normally, Danny would be halfway into a fantasy where the two
gorgeous men were using him to satisfy their lusts, but not tonight.
With the feel of Matthew s lovemaking still tingling across his
nerves, Danny kept his attention on what his teammates were saying.
Well, that, and Matthew.
They had elected to sit a distance away from one another, hoping
to prevent their urges from getting out of control, but all they d done
was give themselves the distance with which to gaze at each other.
Eventually the other guys noticed, and like most guys, they couldn t
help but rip on them good-naturedly.
 Finally, Danny comes out of his shell, and the new guy steals
him away. Brandon Sanders, team quarterback and leader of the
offensive team, sighed dramatically. Jet-black hair in mass of soft
curls tumbled around his face when he shook his head.
Blushing, Danny darted a quick glace to Coach, but he was lost in
the sounds of the rain forest.  Like you ever hit on me. Had totally
perfect Brandon Sanders, who Danny thought looked like Warren
Beatty in Heaven Can Wait, ever riveted his ice-blue eyes on him,
Danny would have probably died from shock.
 You re not hitting on him now, are you? Matthew puffed up his
chest and gave Brandon the evil eye.
Palms up and out, Brandon shook his head.  I m not a poacher.
He smiled, showing off perfect teeth.  I m just saying that you re a
lucky guy.
Matthew grinned at him, then turned his wicked pine-green eyes
on Danny.  That I am.
Waterboy 73
Danny sat a little straighter, pleased that Matthew made no bones
about claiming him. It was a good thing they weren t sitting together,
because now that it was totally dark outside, Danny would be willing
to take the risk to fool around with Matthew. No matter how many
times they hooked up, Danny was never satisfied. Like an addictive
substance, he craved Matthew constantly.
 Dude, I thought you were straight. Derek Simmons, who was
sitting next to Brandon, scooted away playfully.
 Liar. You re just cheesed he didn t hit on you. Kevin shoved
Derek s shoulder, pushing him into Brandon, who wrapped his arms
around Derek and tried to kiss him.
Rather than duck away, Derek planted one on Brandon.
Danny s jaw dropped open when Brandon not only kissed Derek
back, but cupped his strong, capable hand to Derek s bulge. Brandon
fondled Derek s growing erection with the same finesse he used on
the field. There was a reason Brandon was called the man with the
golden hands.
Not to be outdone, Derek eased Brandon s zipper down, exposing
a thick prick nestled in black hair. Derek wrapped his fist around
Brandon s shaft and started to pump.
 Holy shit!
Danny had no idea who said it, but he agreed with the sentiment.
Not once in all his fantasies had he dreamed anything like this.
Beautiful, black-haired Brandon paired up with platinum-blond Derek
Simmons. Visually, they made a stunning pair. Danny also thought
they were well matched in temperament. What made this all the hotter
was that it was real. Danny pinched himself. Yep, this was real.
Dragging his gaze away from the entwined football players,
Danny looked at Matthew, who met his gaze. Heat flared between
them, but Danny knew if they touched one another now, they
wouldn t be able to hold back. In unspoken agreement, they turned
their attention to the pair of groaning men.
Brandon and Derek were all over each other and showed no
74 Anitra Lynn McLeod
indication of stopping. Protectively, the other guys encircled them,
blocking them from the view of the coach and the other players.
Danny shook his head, stunned by what he was seeing. He d
never fantasized about Brandon and Derek pairing off, but he couldn t
shake the feeling that this was all in his mind. As he watched the two
men utterly lost in pleasuring each other, he realized that the other
men were just as fascinated. Tight jeans grew tighter as the teammates
When the bus hit a dip in the road, it bounced the two men apart.
Brandon and Derek separated, but it was clear they didn t want to.
They were both breathing hard and probably a little shocked by what
had just happened.
 Later, Brandon promised, tucking his hard dick back in his
 Bring it, Derek offered, adjusting the prominent bulge in his
Dirty comments started flying so fast Danny couldn t keep up.
After a purge of energy, all the guys calmed down and crowded in
Ryan Stone was the one who quietly asked,  How many of us are
There had long been a rumor that all-male Twin Pines was a
school for homosexuals, but Danny dismissed the accusation as trash
talk. He figured the school had no more gay guys than did the general
After a long note of silence, several heads popped up to check on
coach before settling back down. Ever so slowly, guys started raising
their hands. Not high, but to their chests. High enough that everyone
in the circle could see, but the other men on the bus couldn t.
Danny almost fell out of his seat when all of the twentysomething
guys in the core group lifted their hands.
 Well, this explains why Dylan is freaked out. Kevin Henderson
cast his attention toward the back of the bus.
Waterboy 75
Danny followed his gaze. Through the window, he saw the
equipment truck trailing them. Dylan and the driver were clearly
visible in the dashboard glow. Even though the rig had plenty of
room, and there was a console unit between the two front seats, Dylan [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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