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fish part of, symbolizes state of life under water, 14
influence when rising, 106-108, 436
part fish and part goat, 7
ruled by Saturn, 6
rules the knees, 441
solstitial point, will see inauguration of new cycle, 16
Cardinal signs, nature and keyword, 80
Cattle, possession of, desired by ancient nations, 17
Celestial Centaur (Sagittarius), shows savage ideal, 15
Chaos, Saturn is door to, 6
Children, indications for, in horoscope, 460-461
desired and loved into life, 450
of Israel, left flesh pots of Egypt, 27
Christ, abrogated sacrifice of others, 28
announces himself as the Great Shepherd, 19
called disciples fishers of men, 26
came and inaugurated new teaching, 25
heavenly mother of, 9
must be born within, 10
newborn, within, actual experience, 10
raised widow's son, 24
Christian Rosenkreuz, reincarnation of Hiram Abiff, 24
Circulation, venous and arterial, restricted, prevents deep breathing and
oxygenation, 477
Clairvoyance, undesirable, is result of adverse aspects of Uranus, 48
Color, of eyes and hair, determined by rising sign and planets, SEE
Chapter V.
Colors, absorbed by planets, according to congruity, 53
of planets, birth-stones, amulets, 64
planetary, produced by Creative Hierarchies, 61
primary, refractions of white light, represent Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit, 52
Common signs, nature and keyword, 83
Conception, not necessarily coincident union, 89
place of Moon at, is rising sign at birth (or its opposite), 89
Cosmic Christ, focused love-ray of Life Spirit upon Uranus, 345
consciousness, developed under Neptune ray, 46
Creative fire, drawn upward through serpentine canal, 21, 22
force, bi-polar, possessed by Adepts, 345, 346
Critical degrees, based on passage of Moon through the twelve signs, 411
of cardinal , common, and fixed signs, 411
Cusps, effect of being born on, 90
Delineation, Doctrine of, 405-418
Desire body, ruled by Moon, 345
Destiny, Clock of, progression of horoscope, 463
we are arbiters of our, 466
Dietitian, indicated by Mercury in Pisces, 207; Moon in Virgo, 227
Directions. SEE article on Progressed Lunar and Solar Directions.
effect of evil, 415; of good, 416
Dragon's Head and Tail, nodes of Moon, article on, 594-599
Ductless Glands, article on, 568. (Part II, Medical Astrology)
Earth, orbital revolution of, related to progression, 469
Egoism, comes through Mercurial reasoning power, 40
Egypt, ancient, its use of serpent symbolism, 21
flesh pots of, origin, 17
priests of, were PHREE MESSEN, or children of light, 24
Elder Brothers, from Mercury, have given civilization different form, 344;
human, like us, 344
Elevation of planets, nearness to midheaven, 409
Epigenesis, developed under Neptune ray, 48
expresses itself as genius, 48
third factor in advancement, 47
Equator, Celestial, circle in heavens described by pole turning, 468
Essential dignity, determined by sign a planet is in, 409-410
Evolution, result of equinoctial precession, 7
Evolutionary path, journey mapped out, 20
new start upon, given by balance, 9
Exaltation of planets, determined by sign they are in, 409-410
Fate or Free Will, article, 462
Father Fire, expresses as will, 344
focuses in voluntary nervous system, 344
Fear, dominant keynote of past, 31, 36
Fertilization of animals, controlled by Jehovah, 303
Financial and social fortunes, article on, 442-444
Fixed signs, nature, and key-word, 81
Foetus, antenatal development of, 342
Free will, possessed by man, not by animals, 58-60
students of astrology, and, 413
time and progressed chart in relation to, 462
Gemini, effect when Sun in, 123-125, 151
influence when rising, 95, 96, 434
represents infant humanity, 15
rules lungs, arms, shoulders, 441
Sun's passage through, 15
Gemini-Sagittarius, age of indicates middle third of Atlantean Epoch, 15
Generation, formerly controlled by Jehovah and His angels, 303
Glands, SEE Medical Astrology.
Great Sidereal Year, Sun's passage through the twelve zodiacal signs, by
precession, 17
Greater Mysteries, those who have graduated from, 5
Greece, had mystery temples, 35
Group Spirit, vibration of, 61-62
man, in process of becoming, 62
Group Spirits, of minerals, none, 62; of plants, angels, 62; of animals,
archangels, 62
Healers, magnetic, aspects of Mercury and Neptune, 216
Health, conjunction and parallel act upon, 488
Health and Disease, article on, 438-442
SEE ALSO Medical Astrology.
Hermaphrodites, spiritual, ultimate goal of humanity, 346
Hierarchies, divine, now guiding our evolution, 4, 5
we are restrained by, 30, 31
work with various classes of beings, 61
Horary astrology, author's experience with, 67
Horoscope, essentials of, natal, progressed, etc., 481-485
foundation for a new, 57
how to test, 117-118
important points in judging, 485-487
indicates self-generated destiny, 980
individual when day, year, and place used, 63
progressed, study of, before transits, 522
progression of, 462-466
shows difference in texture of soul, 4656
shows only tendencies, 58, 415, 440
shows what we have earned, 50
when judging, consider race, etc., 30
Houses, of horoscope, article, 72-79
departments of life governed by the twelve, 77-79
Human Spirit, counterpart is desire body, 345
ruled by Sun, 345
Hypnotist, dependent upon power of Neptunian ray, 50
Idealization, Neptunian power, 47
Immaculate conception, becomes actual experience to each of us, 28
Initiation, foremost of our race attaining to, 5
made possible by Neptune, 50
Insanity. SEE The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, by Max Heindel, for
relation to past incarnations; SEE ALSO Part II, Medical Astrology,
in this volume.
Intuition, depends upon ability to feel intensely, 47
will free men from Mercurial bondage, 36
Uranian quality of, reaches truth at once, 36, 46
Jacob, pronounces blessings on twelve sons, 8
Jesus, and religion of the Lamb, 26
born when vernal equinox about 7 of Aries, 25
taught multitudes in parables, 20
Joshua, son of Nun, leads chosen people into "promised land," 26
Jupiter, as ruling plant, 27, 110, 424, 430, 447
blue ray of, and gold of Uranus, 42
effect in twelve houses, 278-285
effect in twelve signs, 285-292
gives spiritual love, 41
in aspect with other planets, 292-302
nature of, 274-278
pioneers of earth entering moon of, 5
planet of benevolence and philanthropy, 27
ray of, marks high stage of altruism, 39, 40, 41
Jupiter Period, man will give present minerals life, 62
preparing human evolution for the, 5
Key-words, of planets, give essential natures, 114
table of planetary, 407-408
Lamb, religion of, to hold sway for Great Sidereal Year, 17, 25
Law of Cause and Effect, established beyond doubt, 57
Lemurian Epoch, only Moon, Mars, and Saturn affected humanity during, 32
stragglers of, expelled from earth to Moon, 5
Leo, effect when Sun in, 126-127, 152
influence when rising, 97, 98, 435
Lion of Judah, 12; represented by lion, 11
rules heart and dorsal region of back, 441
Lesser Mysteries, Mercurial School of, prepares for Greater Mysteries, 5
Libra, effect when Sun in, 129-130, 153
entrance of Sun into brings balance, 9
influence when rising, 101-103, 435
rules kidneys and loins, 441
Sun entered by precession LAST time, 13,000 B.C., 16
Light, color, and consciousness, emanations from God, 52
Limitation, twelfth house indicates, 142
Love, kinds of, defined, 347
Lucifer Spirits, desire inculcated by, 14
exiled on planet Mars, 304, 343, 569
should not be thought of as evil, 304
Luck, closely linked to merit, 438
Lunation, conjunction of the luminaries, 521
essential to bring results, 486, 499
Magic, Neptune makes possible, 50
Magnetism, personal, used in healing sick, 297
SEE ALSO Medical Astrology.
Malefics, give eye trouble if afflicted Sun or Moon in nebular spot, 442
indicate weak points in anatomy, 441
Man, now working with new (mineral) life-wave, 62
Marital relationship, improved by astrological bureaus, 450
Marriage, and offspring, 448-461 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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