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simple approach that is similar to Google: just enter a search key, select a document category on the right side
of the window, and select Search. Best passes your query to the Beagle daemon, which then searches
the index for matching documents and returns the results to Best. Clicking on one of the documents in the
results list launches a program to read the document.
Sniffer Dog 3
Figure 3: The Beagle Wiki replaces traditional documentation.
If you need to keep track of your documents, or if you continuously find yourself juggling files, it could be
worth your while to take a look at Beagle. After you get used to the search function, you will not want to do
without it.
Building Beagle
If your distribution does not include a Beagle package, you will need to build Beagle from the source code
and install the application manually. This is not a trivial chore, as there are lots of dependencies, but the
following overview should help you take the hurdles in stride.
Beagle requires a number of packages: the Mono environment, gtk-sharp, gecko-sharp, gmime, the SQLite
database, and libexif. Additionally, you need specific versions of these packages depending on your Beagle
version. You need to build the components in the same order as you would launch the applications: first the
D-Bus package (for Beagle versions prior to 0.0.10), then the Beagle deamon, and finally a Beagle client. All
three are built and installed with the usual three commands; the Best and beagle-query clients are byproducts
of the beagle daemon:
su -c "make install"
When you configure the D-Bus package, you need to specifiy the --enable-mono parameter. After installing
D-Bus, ensure that your kernel has the inotify function enabled. Note that this feature is not available for
some filesystems.
[1] Beagle homepage: http://www.gnome.org/projects/beagle/
[2] Apache Lucene search engine: http://lucene.apache.org/java/docs/index.html
[3] "Hot Wired," an article on Linux hotplugging: Linux Magazine #53, April, 2005, pg. 91
[4] Gnome Dashboard: http://www.nat.org/dashboard
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