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down on his knee.
Cindy took a step towards him and reached out for the vacuum cleaner, needlessly taking hold of the
handle where he had been clutching it. She caressed the phallic shape and flicked the tip of her index
finger over the very tip of the handle. She smirked and then stepped back.
"You've been playing with your vacuum cleaners again, George?" she said to him with another little
"Just making sure they're all ready to go into the shop and be sold, that's all," he said, defensively. He got
the impression she was making fun of him. George himself knew that he was a failure in every endeavor
he had ever tried, including the current reconditioned electrical appliance bit. He knew it, but he didn't
like other people getting wise to the fact, and he certainly didn't like them trying to make fun of him about
it. That was one thing he couldn't deal with. George had his pride and plenty of it.
Cindy regarded him thoughtfully for half a minute. George stared back at her, trying to keep from wilting
under her gaze. She was a very unnerving kid for her age, he was thinking. And then be kept thinking
again and again, God, how I would like to fuck that hot, round ass of hers, jam my cock right through
those tight pink pants.
"Well," she said, finally, "aren't you going to ask me what I bought?
Aren't you interested in what I do, George? The stuff I like, you know?
I thought we were starting to get to know each other better, maybe."
George cleared his throat and said, "Yes, of course, of course I'm interested in what you do." He was
once again taken by surprise by what she said. He didn't expect that she would be asking him to be
more friendly and sociable towards her. It had been the other way around most of the time. She had
been the one acting unfriendly most of the time in the past. He had just been going along with the flow,
trying not to cause any more interfamilial problems than already existed between the mother and
daughter. He didn't even think that could help his cause in the long run, even if his wife did take his side
up till now. He was smart enough to know that any mother, no matter how much she was in competition
with her daughter, would sooner or later want that daughter's affection back, and he was determined not
to be the divisive force when that time came. But this was a new and unexpected development. Why
was Cindy all of a sudden acting like they were such good friends, she and her stepfather?
"So, uh, what did you buy while you were out shopping with your friend with the, uh ..."
"The one with the big tits?" Cindy laughed. "Bonnie, yeah, I bought some really neat things, something for
the summer and this and that. Would you really like to see what I bought?" she asked her stepfather.
"Sure, sure I would. I said I would, didn't I?" He was trying to regain his cool. She had put him off, but
he didn't want to stay in that position. After all, wasn't he the man of the house? Wasn't he the one who
was supposed to be respected and all of that sort of stuff that went with the territory? He might be
sponging off of his wife for the most part, might not be much more than a suburban gigolo in reality but
he was still a man and had his pride and wanted to make sure that he didn't put himself in the wrong light.
He wasn't going to become a thing of ridicule no matter how. No way. And if the two bitches that he
shared this house with thought that one way or another they were going to tell him what to do they were
damned well mistaken. He would show the both of them that he was a man and that meant he was the
one who gave orders and decided what went down in the house. Now all he had to do was figure out
how he was going to break it to his wife without incurring her wrath. And this stepdaughter with the
mocking smile, just how the hell was he going to deal with her now? Well, for the moment he would play
it by ear. He'd see what the fuck she bought on her shopping trip, though he wasn't in the least interested
in seeing some new platform shoes or a pair of earrings or whatever she bought. But if she was going to
be friendly, even in her slightly suspect way, then he couldn't do anything to upset the boat. He would go
along with it and watch and see what gave. Maybe it was an honest, authentic attempt to make friends
with him once and for all. He felt guilty at that thought. He considered all of his nasty thoughts about her,
the lust he undeniably felt for her. That wouldn't fit in too well with a warm, friendly stepfather-daughter
Or did it? He stared at that ripe young figure once more. Her tits and ass seemed ready to burst through
the tight material of her halter and jeans. And he wished they would. He wished she would be standing
there in front of him with the tits hanging right out in his face, with the ass cheeks on display for him to
kiss and bite and lick.
He shuddered from a wave of lust that went through him. He looked down at his pants and gulped,
seeing that he had grown a hard-on and it was throbbing noticeably.
He wondered if the girl could see it, and if she could, what she would think of it. Would it register in her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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