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negative treatment.
First you have to get rid of as much breath as you can from
your lungs, really exhale, force the air out, and stay like that
for as long as you can without too much discomfort. This
enables the body to attain what we might call negative polarity
because it is now deficient in prana, deficient in air.
Then breathe lightly for just a few moments (to get your
breath back, so to speak!). Then repeat the whole affair by
exhaling as thoroughly as possible and getting the air out of
your lungs. Stay with empty lungs for as long as you can
without too much discomfort or killing yourself. Then breathe
again lightly, and when you have got back some breath, do this
system once again so that you have done it in all three times
three times you have exhaled completely and let your body
become negatively polarized.
Now you know where you are hurting, so place your hand
over the skin at the site to be treated. Then withdraw the
hand, the palm, so that only the forefinger and the thumb are
pressed firmly upon the skin. Hold your finger and thumb
firmly upon the area to be treated, and then again exhale and
stop breathing. While you are thus stopped breathing vividly
imagine the life-force flowing out of your left finger-tips into
the part that you desire to be treated.
Soon you will have to breathe again, but breathe as shal-
lowly as possible, taking in just enough air to sustain life, and
then hold the fingers still in contact with the area being
treated. You should repeat this three times, and each time you
should hold your fingers in contact with the area for at least
two minutes.
The best way to treat yourself really is to give this treat-
ment every hour until you are very much recovered. These
treatments do work because you are calling in outside forces.
If you are subject to colds and you get your head stuffed up
you can greatly relieve the condition by giving this negative
treatment. In this case you would place your finger and thumb
one on each side of the nose just below the eyes. Then, again,
you would hold your breath after you had expelled as much as
possible. Again you would picture that life-force flowing into
you, into your nose, and killing off all the bugs which are
causing the trouble. Quite seriously I say to you that if you
try this you will very shortly feel a crackling in the nose as
congestion dissipates. You will find that you will then be
able to breathe through your nostrils.
Asthma is a complaint which is but little understood. All
sorts of nostrums are prescribed for asthma, but in many many
cases asthma is caused by some nervous condition, and that
nervous condition will respond to this form of treatment. In
this case you put the finger and thumb on either side of the
throat just above the Adam s apple. That is for the ordinary
type of asthma, but of course, if you have the type which
causes truly harsh and painful breathing, then you will have to
put your finger and thumb some three inches apart, and place
them where you can feel the throat joins the chest.
Naturally enough, if you have had asthma for many years
you cannot expect a cure in a few seconds. You must have
patience and use common sense, but if you will persist in this
treatment you will quite definitely find that the asthma will
disappear. It will disappear a whole lot faster if you will do a
little meditation and introspection, and reason out for yourself
what it is that causes your nervous disturbance. Again, many
many cases of asthma are caused by nervous worry, and the
asthma just acts like a safety valve and gives you an out.
Let me repeat that you must follow these instructions
exactly, and you must always use your left hand. You cannot
get a strong negative cure by using your right hand. Remember
then get the air out of your lungs, wait a little with empty
lungs, and always use your left hand. You will find that even a
severe burn will respond to treatment of this nature; in that
case, of course, you use a forefinger and thumb, and place
them upon the burn, and proceed with the treatment. You will
appreciate, of course, that if you have a very severe burn, well,
the sooner you get a doctor in, the better. But you can do your
own treatment while waiting for him.
The Kundalini, as already stated, is the  furnace of the
human body, and of course it and the brain can be regarded as
the opposite poles of a magnet if you prefer the magnet theory
instead of that of the furnace. But supposing you are very
clairvoyant and you have a nude body before you which you
can study let us see how it would appear.
We have a wall covered preferably in black velvet; the wall
is about fourteen feet square, and we place a little platform
about four feet from the floor. Upon that platform a nude
model stands with back to the velvet. As we stand facing the
model and observing clairvoyantly we see a brilliant white
streak which is the coursing current between brain and Kunda-
lini, which as already stated is at the remote end of the spine
a bit lower than the spine actually.
You have seen these white strip lights in shops or by the side
of dressing mirrors? Well, supposing you imagine that the
clairvoyant sight lets you see the life-force as resembling a
strip of that light. First you have that brilliant strip of light
extending from the top of the brain of your subject, and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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