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wealth (n)
valuable (adj)
wear (v & n)
value (n & v)
" sportswear (n)
van (n)
" footwear (n)
variety (n)
" childrens wear (n)
various (adj)
wear out (v)
vary (v)
" worn out clothes/equipment
vehicle (n)
" I m worn out I need a holiday.
venture (n)
weather (n)
" joint venture
web (n)
venue (n)
website (n)
very (adj & adv)
" on the web
victory (n)
week (n)
video (n & v)
weekday (n)
video recorder (n)
weekend (n)
videotape (n)
weigh (v)
view (n)
weight (n)
village (n)
welcome (n)
virus (n)
welfare (n)
" a computer virus
well (adj, adv & n)
visa (n)
Well done! (exclam)
visit (n & v)
well-known (adj)
vocabulary (n)
well-made (adj)
voice (n)
west (adj, adv & n)
volume (n)
wet (adj)
vote (n & v)
what (pron)
voyage (n)
whatever (pron)
wheel (n & v)
when (adv & conj)
whenever (pron)
where (adv & conj)
W (abbrev) west
whereas (conj)
wage(s) (n)
whether (conj)
wait (n & v)
which (pron)
waiting room (n)
while (conj)
BEC Preliminary Wordlist 39
� UCLES 2006
whiteboard (n)
who, whom (pron)
whole (adj)
wholesale (adj & adv)
wholesaler (n)
whose (pron)
why (adv & conj)
yard (n)
wide (adj & adv)
yd (abbrev) yard
width (n)
year (n)
will (v)
yes (int)
willing (adj)
yesterday (adv & n)
win (n & v)
yet (adv)
window (n)
you (pron)
window display (n)
young (adj & n)
wing (n)
your (adj)
" the wing of an aeroplane
yours (pron)
wire (n)
yourself (pron)
wise (adj)
youth (n)
wish (n & v)
yr (abbrev) year
with (prep)
withdraw (v)
within (adv & prep)
without (prep)
witness (v & n)
zero (n)
woman (n)
zone (n)
wonder (v)
wood (n)
wooden (adj)
wool (n)
word (n)
word process (v)
word processor (n)
work (n & v)
work permit (n)
workforce (n)
working hours (n)
workman (n)
workplace (n)
workshop (n)
workstation (n)
world (n)
worldwide /world-wide (adj & adv)
worried (adj)
worry (n & v)
worth (adj)
would ('d) (v)
wrap (v)
wrap up (v)
write (v)
write down (phr v)
" I ll write down the instructions.
write out (phr v)
" I ll write it out again.
wrong (adj)
BEC Preliminary Wordlist 40
� UCLES 2006
Appendix 1
Word sets
In addition to the words in the alphabetical list, BEC Preliminary candidates are expected to
Cardinal numbers
one, two, three, etc.
Ordinal numbers
first, second, third, fourth, etc.
Days of the week
Monday, Tuesday, etc.
Seasons of the year
spring, summer, autumn, winter.
Countries, languages and nationalities
Names of the countries, nationalities and languages, for example: Brazil/Brazilian;
Canada/Canadian; China/Chinese; France/French; Ireland/Irish; India/Indian; Italy/Italian;
Spain/Spanish, etc.
Continents / Oceans
Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Antartica, Europe, Atlantic, Pacific.
BEC Preliminary Wordlist 41
� UCLES 2006
Appendix 2
The words in the alphabetical list may be extended by the use of one or more of these
mini- with nouns, sometimes without a hyphen, e.g. minibus, mini-tour
non- with nouns and adjectives, e.g. non-essential
re- with verbs and their related nouns, usually without a hyphen, e.g. rename,
self- with nouns and adjectives, e.g. self-importance, self-confident
un- negative prefix, e.g. unsafe
-able with verbs, to form adjectives, e.g. affordable
-ed (-d) with verbs, to form adjectives, e.g. limited, used
-er (-r) with verbs, to form nouns, e.g. teacher, advertiser, shopper, also comparative
forms, e.g. brighter
-ese for nationalities/languages, e.g. Japanese
-ess referring to a woman or female animal, e.g. princess, lioness
N.B. it is less common to refer to women in this way nowadays, and
usually safer to use the standard form e.g. actor, author
-est superlative forms, e.g. tallest
-ful with nouns, for amount contained, e.g. spoonful; with nouns to form adjectives
denoting characteristics or qualities, e.g. painful, peaceful
-ing with verbs, for activity or state, e.g. reading, frightening
-ish for nationalities or languages, e.g. Swedish; with nouns to form adjectives,
e.g. childish
-ist with nouns, occupations, e.g. novelist, guitarist
-less with nouns to form adjectives, e.g. breathless
-ly with adjectives to form adverbs, e.g. seriously; with nouns to form adjectives,
e.g. friendly
-ment with verbs to form nouns, e.g. enjoyment
-or with verbs to form nouns, for people, e.g. inventor
-y with nouns to form adjectives, e.g. sunny
BEC Preliminary Wordlist 42
� UCLES 2006
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