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 Now, I m going to spank you. Hard!
She tensed in a combination of fear and anticipation as he maneuvered her body, face down, over his
lap, on the edge of the bed, and leaned down near her ear.  Tell me you ve been a bad little girl, he
said, no hint of playfulness coloring his voice.
 I have. I ve been avery bad girl. She meant it. She believed it.
 Beg me to punish you for it.
She drew in her breath.  Punish me. Yes. I deserve it. Spank me.
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The first slap of his hand across her ass landed with a sting that echoed all through her. Mmm,God
 still more of that strange pleasure-pain. She wanted it, and when the flat of his hand struck her again,
she cried out in joy, because it hurt. Because she felt it everywhere.More , she thought, not daring to
speak now.I want more .
He spanked her in a smooth, hard, even rhythm, each strike flaring through her with power and heat.
The spanking radiated through every limb, each slap of his palm coming before the vibrations from the
last had faded. She cried out all pleasure now, even as her ass stung and grew sore, so very sore. But it
was agood kind of sore, the same lovely kind of sore she d first experienced when he d whipped her the
other night. Only this was more intense than that. This was not a playful game this was a strong, forceful
man dominating her, and she was joyfully lost in the power of that domination.
And then& something new! What was he doingnow ? Even as he spanked her, even as she cried out,
she swung to look over her shoulder and saw oh God! he was& he was putting something inside her
ass a string with little balls placed every couple of inches. Anal beads she recalled seeing them at the
sex shop when she d bought her rope and riding crop. He was inserting them, one by one, sending tiny
explosions of pleasure through her nether regions with each added ball. She gaped, trying to watch even
as she drank in his blows, her ass red now from his perfect spanking.
By the time he was done with the beads, she could no longer discern what was happening to her body.
She lay writhing, whimpering across him, lost in the tumult of sensation. It was almost more than she
could take, pushing her to the edge of sanity.
And then he was bending over her, whispering,  Now fuck me, Mia. Fuck me. Ride me.
She gazed over her shoulder, up into his eyes this time.
He peered heatedly at her and said it again.  Ride me& lover. As she d called him in her role as
Mistress Mina.
Slowly, she rose to her knees next to him. He reached for her thigh, prodding her to straddle his hips.
She glanced down between them at his tremendous, straining cock. She d never wanted anything more
than she wanted this man back inside her right now. She didn t know if he was still angry or not she
had no idea how he might feel about her now she only knew she needed him inside her body. Because
she loved him. She loved him deeply.
She sank slowly down on his erection, pleased at how enormous he felt filling her.  So big, she
breathed, her eyes falling shut, head dropping back with the ecstasy of his size combined with the beads
that seemed to ripple gloriously about inside her ass.
A soft kiss brushed her neck.  Do you like my cock, Mia? he whispered.
She lowered her head and opened her eyes, meeting his gaze.  Oh, God, yes.
She saw his lips move more than she actually heard his nearly inaudible request.  Fuck me.
She leaned deeper into him, beginning to move in the most ancient rhythm, her instincts instantly taking
over. They both moaned as she undulated against him. Her bound arms circled his neck, his hands
splayed wide on her ass. She fucked him slowly, their foreheads touching. Her breasts raked against his
chest, the leather that crisscrossed it abrading her nipples lightly.
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But soon she was driven to move faster, to fuck deeper, her clit brushing against him, her pussy
beginning to reach for release. The beads inside her anus jiggled and rubbed in response to her
movements, heightening every sensation. He kissed her hard, deep, as they moved, and she pushed her
tongue into his mouth, hungering for still more of him. His hands roamed her shoulders, her back, one
sliding around to caress her breast, raking his thumb across the sensitive peak.
But then his hands both returned to her ass and she rode him in hot circles that brought her closer and
closer to ecstasy, making the desire churn and rise. He lifted to suckle at her breast, and she sobbed
lightly, murmuring,  Yes, suck me. So good, so good, as she held his head there, watched him tugging
on her nipple with his eager mouth.
And then ahhh! he pulled the string and one of the beads left her in a hot little blip of pleasure that
made her moan.
Her breath went ragged as she rode him harder, as he suckled her, and he drew another bead out,
pushing her still closer to the edge.
He began pulling the beads faster, in a slow rhythm that matched the hot circles in which she writhed,
and she was lost, so lost in him and in the pleasure, that there was no thought, only feeling, stretching
through her like an electrical line giving off immeasurable heat and energy.
 So close, she whispered in his ear, still moving, grinding her body against his and then he extracted
the last bead and she fell off the edge, the climax pulling her deep within herself, burying her in hot pulses
of delight that echoed through her, coming out in low groans wrenched deep from her gut. And also in
words.  I love you. God, I love you, she murmured up into the air without thought.
 Damn, I m coming, too, he breathed upon releasing her breast from his mouth and as before, when he
came, he lifted her body from the bed with his orgasmic thrusts, making her feel exactly what shewanted
to feel overpowered by him, possessed by him.
They both fell back on the bed in a heap and lay that way, silent, for a long moment.
When Mia finally opened her eyes, he was looking at her. He shifted his gaze to her hands, and reached
to undo the leather strip, setting her free. Her first move was to slip the sexy black mask from his
head completely understanding now his previous need to see her face. She wanted nothing more in this
moment than to see his.
Although she didn t know what to say, what to expect from him now. She only knew she d just had the
most phenomenal sex of her life, and it had been reckless and scary and infinitely exciting, and it had been
with Ty, the man she loved.
 I ve been a fucking idiot, he said, gazing at her.
He shook his head against the comforter, then ran one hand through his hair.  I don t know what I was
so mad about.
 Because I lied to you, she reminded him, thinking it made perfect sense.  I tricked you.
 But you were right when you said I never would have given us a chance otherwise. I just& never
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thought of you this way.
 I know. And there were times when I tried to hint to you that maybe I wasn t the girl you thought I
was&  She stopped, confused by her own words.  But the thing is, Ty, Iam that girl you thought I was.
I m a nice person and a dependable, capable worker, and I m Tim s little sister. And I mthis person,
too. She looked away, toward the ceiling. It was stupid to bother being embarrassednow , but&  This
person who loves to fuck and play sex games and sometimes bereally, really dirty. She sighed.
 Only what? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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