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quite wealthy, and was very generous with his money. He had founded many shelters
for the poor, and though he liked to remain anonymous in his support of charities, he
was a great humanitarian. Diego hinted that in his younger years Arias had been wild,
but learned from past mistakes.
Malika did some checking of her own and had her brother do the same. She
learned that Diego hadn t exaggerated his stories about Arias generosity. Learning this
only made him more irresistible to her.
She had managed to keep the promise to herself and hadn t slept with him again,
though it was torture for them both. Arias had been nothing less than respectful of her
wishes, but keeping her hands out of his pants was becoming more difficult with each
passing moment.
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At night she dreamed of him. Erotic dreams that left her drenched and throbbing
with desire, yet more exhausted in the morning than when she d gone to bed.
The pull between her and Arias was so hard to fight, and her control was
slipping fast. By the heat that burned in his eyes whenever their gazes met, she knew he
felt the same. Maybe it was time to give in. She had proved her point that she wasn t
going to fall into his arms every chance she got. She had lots of condoms. She had -- the
mad urge to fuck the man until they both passed out again.
That morning she sat in her office, waiting for Arias to arrive and thinking of
ways to seduce him. She should be making phone calls regarding the party for the
grand opening of the Del Rio display in a few days, but as usual her thoughts drifted to
He usually didn t show up before noon, which she found a bit peculiar. She also
found it odd that he ate nothing but soup. How did a guy manage to have a body that
fine on nothing but a liquid diet?
Clara stepped into the office and said,  Malika, I just interviewed a woman who
would be great for the part time job we advertised for.
 Sure. What s she like?
 She has a decent knowledge of history and is an expert in ancient weapons. Her
name is Julie Matthews. Would you like to interview her? She s here now, but I can
schedule another appointment if you don t have time today.
 No problem. Send her in.
Moments after meeting Julie, Malika decided to hire her. The woman was
pleasant and appeared competent, not to mention she came with excellent references
and she had a special interest in Aztec history.
Julie agreed to start work the next day, and no sooner had she left than Arias
Despite his warm smile, she couldn t help noticing the shadows beneath his eyes
and the scarcely repressed desire in his expression. The past two weeks, no matter how
wonderful, had been difficult for them both. This was the kind of connection one
Kate Hill Mate Marks: Thirst 73
fantasized about, except the fantasies never warned that feelings like this brought pain
as well as pleasure.
 Good afternoon, Arias said, presenting her with a gorgeous bouquet of pastel
flowers. Her office had never been so colorful before Arias had started coming around.
She smiled and sniffed the flowers, enjoying the wonderful scent.  Thank you.
I ll put these in water and then we can get to work.
 No one can deny your dedication, he said, walking to the water cooler and
taking a long drink. She doubted she d ever met such a thirsty man before, but water
was supposed to be good for health. With his strict diet and generous intake of water, it
was no wonder he was so fit and gorgeous.
A short time later, they were busy in the Del Rio room. Malika stood admiring
Del Rio s suit of armor. This was her favorite piece from the collection. Something about
being able to see and touch clothing the explorer had actually worn thrilled her.
 He must have been unusually tall for his day, Malika said, gazing at the armor.
 Yes. He was rather tall, Arias replied from across the room. She heard his
footsteps approaching and a moment later he stood beside her.
Malika glanced at him and noted that his lip was slightly curled, as if the armor
stirred his contempt.
 I bet he was about your height, she observed.  The armor is in excellent
condition. Will you try it on?
His blue gaze shifted to her, and his brow furrowed.  I d rather not.
 All right. She shrugged. Usually he was most agreeable, but sometimes when
speaking of his ancestor he seemed almost disgusted.
 It would make me feel& what s the word? Claustrophobic.
She laughed.  That s coming from a man who showed up here in a
 You want me to put it on? Fine.
 No, it s not a big deal.
 If it s not a big deal then it shouldn t offend me. After all, it s only clothes.
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 As long as you really don t mind.
 Just come here. I ll need help with a few of the pieces.
She assisted him in putting on the heavy, gleaming armor. When he finally
stood, fully dressed as a 16th century warrior, he nearly stole her breath.
 Wow, she whispered, circling him.  It s a perfect fit. Del Rio must have been
exactly your size, but I bet he wasn t as handsome as you are.
 You think not?
She stared at his chiseled face with his wide-set blue eyes gazing from beneath
the rounded helmet and murmured,  I doubt it.
Lust burned inside her, and she took a step closer to him. His gloved hands
settled onto her waist, and he tugged her to his armor-clad body. His mouth covered
hers in a lingering kiss. When it broke, Malika was leaning heavily against him.
Her nipples tightened and her clit throbbed with desire. She wanted him so
much it was painful and by the look in his eyes, he desired her just as badly.
 Arias, I --
 I know, he said in a husky whisper.
She pulled away from him and walked to the door.
 Don t go, he said.  We don t have to do anything until you re ready.
Malika had no intention of leaving. She locked the door, picked up her purse
from where she d tossed it in the corner and removed a condom.
Wearing her sexiest look, she strode toward him slowly, making a point to
wiggle her shapely hips.  I have no intention of leaving. Boy, get your ass out of that
armor. I can t wait anymore.
He smiled so broadly that she could practically count each of his gleaming white
Arias began removing the armor, and Malika helped, though her hands trembled
so much she wasn t very useful. She was happy to see he fumbled quite a bit as well in
his eagerness to rid himself of his clothes. They didn t stop at the armor; Malika
unzipped his trousers and pulled them down while he removed his shirt, baring his
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