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"She was on the roof, you say?" the Mother Commander of the Rakian Keep asked.
Tamalane, the commander, had served previously on Gammu and knew more than most
about what the Sisterhood hoped to conjoin here. The spies' report had
interrupted Tamalane's breakfast of cifruit confit laced with melange. The
messenger stood at ease beside the table while Tamalane resumed eating as she
reread the report.
"On the roof, yes, Reverend Mother," the messenger said. Tamalane glanced up at
the messenger, Kipuna, a Rakian native acolyte being groomed for sensitive local
duties. Swallowing a mouthful of her confit, Tamalane said: " 'Bring them
back!' Those were her exact words?"
Kipuna nodded curtly. She understood the question. Had Sheeana spoken with
preemptory command?
Tamalane resumed scanning the report, looking for the sensitive signals. She
was glad they had sent Kipuna herself. Tamalane respected the abilities of this
Rakian woman. Kipuna had the soft round features and fuzzy hair common among
much of the Rakian priestly class, but there was no fuzzy brain under that hair.
"Sheeana was displeased," Kipuna said. "The 'thopter passed nearby the rooftop
and she saw the two manacled prisoners in it quite clearly. She knew they were
being taken to death in the desert. "
Tamalane put down the report and smiled. "So she ordered the prisoners brought
back to her. I find her choice of words fascinating."
"Bring them back?" Kipuna asked. "That seems a simple enough order. How is it
Tamalane admired the directness of the acolyte's interest. Kipuna was not about
to pass up a chance at learning how a real Reverend Mother's mind worked.
"It was not that part of her performance that interested me," Tamalane said.
She bent to the report, reading aloud: " 'You are servants unto Shaitan, not
servants unto servants.' " Tamalane looked up at Kipuna. "You saw and heard
all of this yourself?"
"Yes, Reverend Mother. It was judged important that I report to you personally
should you have other questions."
"She still calls him Shaitan," Tamalane said. "How that must gall them! Of
course, the Tyrant himself said it: 'They will call me Shaitan.' "
"I have seen the reports out of the hoard found at Dar-es-Balat," Kipuna said.
"There was no delay in bringing back the two prisoners?" Tamalane asked.
"As quickly as a message could be transmitted to the 'thopter, Reverend Mother.
They were returned within minutes."
"So they are watching her and listening all the time. Good. Did Sheeana give
any sign that she knew the two prisoners? Did any message pass between them?"
"I am sure they were strangers to her, Reverend Mother. Two ordinary people of
the lower orders, rather dirty and poorly clothed. They smelled of the unwashed
from the perimeter hovels."
"Sheeana ordered the manacles removed and then she spoke to this unwashed pair.
Her exact words now: What did she say?"
" 'You are my people.' "
"Lovely, lovely," Tamalane said. "Sheeana then ordered that these two be taken
away, bathed and given new clothes before being released. Tell me in your own
words what happened next."
"She summoned Tuek who came with three of his councillor-attendants. It was . .
. almost an argument."
"Memory-trance, please," Tamalane said. "Replay the exchange for me."
Kipuna closed her eyes, breathed deeply and fell into memory-trance. Then:
"Sheeana says, 'I do not like it when you feed my people to Shaitan.'
Councillor Stiros says, 'They are sacrificed to Shai-hulud!' Sheeana says, 'To
Shaitan!' Sheeana stamps her foot in anger. Tuek says, 'Enough, Stiros. I
will not hear more of this dissension.' Sheeana says, 'When will you learn?'
Stiros starts to speak but Tuek silences him with a glare and says, 'We have
learned, Holy Child.' Sheeana says, 'I want --' "
"Enough," Tamalane said.
The acolyte opened her eyes and waited silently.
Presently, Tamalane said, "Return to your post, Kipuna. You have done very
well, indeed."
"Thank you, Reverend Mother."
"There will be consternation among the priests," Tamalane said.
"Sheeana's wish is their command because Tuek believes in her. They will stop
using the worms as instruments of punishment."
"The two prisoners," Kipuna said.
"Yes, very observant of you. The two prisoners will tell what happened to them.
The story will be distorted. People will say that Sheeana protects them from
the priests."
"Isn't that exactly what she's doing, Reverend Mother?"
"Ahhhh, but consider the options open to the priests. They will increase their
alternative forms of punishment -- whippings and certain deprivations. While
fear of Shaitan eases because of Sheeana, fear of the priests will increase."
Within two months, Tamalane's reports to Chapter House contained confirmation of
her own words.
"Short rations, especially short water rations, have become the dominant form of
punishment," Tamalane reported. "Wild rumors have penetrated the farthest
reaches of Rakis and soon will find lodging on many other planets as well."
Tamalane considered the implications of her report with care. Many eyes would
see it, including some not in sympathy with Taraza. Any Reverend Mother would
be able to call up an image of what must be happening on Rakis. Many on Rakis
had seen Sheeana's arrival atop a wild worm from the desert. The priestly
response of secrecy had been flawed from the beginning. Curiosity unsatisfied
tended to create its own answers. Guesses were often more dangerous than facts. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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